
Vocational and Education Training

Our Vocational Education and Training (VET) program is structured to assist our students to achieve their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and potentially gain qualifications and/or acquire credits toward further education and training beyond school.

Wanneroo Secondary College partners with several Registered Training Organisations (RTO) to deliver nationally recognised courses. Satisfactory completion of all requirements of a course will enable the RTO to issue a Certificate of Qualification which will also contribute to the student’s WACE requirements. Where a student meets some requirements of the course, the RTO will issue a Statement of Attainment listing the Units completed. Students will be enrolled with the RTO for these qualifications, the course will be delivered under an auspice arrangement between the RTO and WSC.

Wanneroo Secondary College places great importance on VET studies and strongly supports all VET programs in the school. Students can also access Workplace Learning (ADWPL) when they choose Career and Enterprise as a course of study. For further information about WPL please contact the Senior School Associate Principal.

Students may have the opportunity to complete senior school with multiple qualifications, what a great way to start life in the big wide world!

Enquiries and interest are addressed during the Year 10 Course Selection interview process where students are counselled on choosing a direction to take when progressing into senior school.

Qualifications currently offered at Wanneroo Secondary College are:

RTO: COSAMP (41549) partnering with WSC to deliver:  

  • CUA20620 Certificate II in Music (Performance)
  • CUA30920 Certificate III in Music (Performance)

RTO: IVET(40548) partnering with WSC to deliver: 

  • BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
  • BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
  • FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
  • CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
  • SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching
  • SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation
  • ICT20120 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies

RTO Skills Generation PTY LTD (41008) patterning with WSC to deliver: 

  • AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)

RTO Skills Strategies (2401) patterning with WSC to deliver: 

  • SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services

Students at Joondalup Campus may apply for courses from a large range of industry areas, some listed below: 

  • School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships
  • Construction
  • Make-up/ Beauty/ Nail Technology
  • Childcare
  • Business
  • Information Communication Technology
  • Metals and Engineering
  • Electrical
  • Automotive
  • Hospitality
  • Education Support

Give Your Child The Opportunity To Succeed