Student Life
Our library staff play a major role in our college, not only maintaining a well equipped resource centre, but also in organising many activities in which students can get involved.
We have an amazing resource centre in ClickView which students can access from home to enable them to complete homework assignments, research or just for entertainment.
ClickView is a fantastic site full of documentaries and films. Students can gain access by logging in with their username and password which all students should be familiar with.
A new training tutorial is now available on Clickview as well as a new search facility called “Albert” – one can search by code, subject etc. This is available from the website
Also, if you have lost your password or cannot access Clickview, please let Deb Bentley know at our library and this can be emailed to you.
For further information on any of the exciting activities below, see your friendly library staff member, in the library of course.
- National Online Chess Competition
- Book Week activities
- Students Library Committee
- Harmony Day Celebrations
- Urban Youth Crew visit