About Wanneroo SC
P&C, College Board and Facilities Hire

P & C
Wanneroo Secondary College welcomes new parents and invites you to be part of the College’s Parents & Citizens Committee. Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 5:00pm in the Conference Room. Have your say, attend a meeting whenever you can.
College Board
The Wanneroo Secondary College Board play an integral role in supporting the Principal and Manager Corporates Services in setting the directions of the College, in particular matters relating to the development of business plan targets and finance. The board includes a group of parent, staff and community members who advocate for and act in the best interests of the college and its students. For further information regarding the board, please contact the college.
Facilities Hire
Wanneroo Secondary College has a number of facilities available for hire. You can register your interest by contacting the Purchasing Officer on 6401 9800.
Staff Contacts
Staff members can be contacted during school hours at Wanneroo Secondary College on 08 6401 9800.
Student Absentee Line: 08 6401 9800
Email: Wanneroo.SC@education.wa.edu.au
Web Address: www.wanneroosc.wa.edu.au