About Wanneroo SC
Welcome to Wanneroo Secondary College

Wanneroo Secondary College is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence and the development of a supportive and challenging learning environment. Through our shared vision we aim to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and be positive and effective members of society. We have developed a diversity of programs and opportunities to assist students to achieve their dreams and goals. Our aim is for every student to attain either University Entrance or a Vocational Education & Training qualification by the completion of high school, in many cases both.

An innovative lighthouse school from the start, “Caring and Excellence” were the twin approaches to the education of the students. Wanneroo Senior High School came into being on the 7th February, 1977, opening its doors to 180 Year 8 students…

Vision & Values
Wanneroo Secondary College recognises that you, as parents, are the most powerful educative influence in the life of your child. The home and school are complementary forces in the child’s education and therefore parental involvement and interest at all levels…

Student Services
Your Student Services Team is a school based team formed to help all students. It consists of a Student Services Manager, Heads of Year, Chaplain, School Psychologist, Community Health Nurse, Attendance Officer and an Aboriginal Islander Education Officer…
Our ‘Whole Student’ Approach

Constant improvement in Literacy and Numeracy standards for all students is one of the college’s priorities. Involvement in Health & Physical Education studies and participation in the many sporting activities we offer are strongly promoted and encouraged. The Teaching, Administration, and Ancillary staff at Wanneroo is made up of a healthy mix of keen “young guns” and wise older heads, all highly skilled and motivated and all determined to provide the very best possible educational and personal outcomes for every student who walks through our doors.
More than 20 of our teaching staff have achieved Senior Teacher status or higher. The academic progress and general well being of each student is constantly monitored by the school. Our Student Services team lead the staff in providing essential social, emotional and academic support and guidance to any student who appears to be struggling with any aspect of their time at school. We offer a safe, caring, nurturing environment in which all students are given every opportunity to blossom and to achieve their full potential.
We are committed to supporting and enhancing the values of the home and strongly encourage all parents and families to become fully engaged in their children’s education and in the life of their school through coming to school events (or even volunteering some time to help out), involving themselves in groups such as the College Board and the Parents and Citizens Association (P & C), and by attending our scheduled Parent/Teacher Meetings and Information Evenings. At Wanneroo Secondary College, we have much to offer your children. We extend a genuine invitation to you to call the school for more details or to arrange a visit to inspect our facilities for yourselves and to meet some of our dedicated staff members. You’ll be warmly welcomed. We look forward to having your family join us as a part of our school community in the near future.