Attendance Policy

Students need to be at school to develop the skills, knowledge and values they will need to succeed in life. Regular attendance is the key to academic achievement. The Homeroom Tutor or Attendance Officer will contact parents when a student is absent to discuss any support that may be required.
The Education Act requires that compulsory aged students attend school, or participate in an educational program. Education is compulsory to the end of the year in which a student turns 17 years and 6 months.
Appointments, Illness & Injury

A Leave Pass is required by students who need to leave school during the day. Parents can organise a pass in advance by emailing, phoning or sending a note with the details of the appointment or a copy of the appointment card to either Student Services or Administration who will then issue the pass. Students, under 16 years of age, must be collected from school. To ensure safety they cannot walk home or catch a bus unaccompanied. On return to school the student should sign in at Administration.
Students who become ill or are injured while at school should report to the nurse (if available) or Administration. The child will be assessed and, where necessary, parents phoned and arrangements made for the child to be picked up from school. Students should not ring and make arrangements to be picked up as it is important that an ill or injured student is supervised until they are picked up.
A student may be absent from school due to temporary ill health or “any other reasonable cause” such as family commitments (bereavement/religious). It is not acceptable to be absent due to birthdays. Swimming Carnivals & Athletics Carnivals and other special days are normal attendance school days.
When absences occur, they must be explained within three days of the start of the absence. Information supplied should include the student’s name, year and the actual dates of absence. This can be done in the following ways:
- By ringing the Absentee Hotline 6401 9800. This line is open 24 hours a day.
- By responding to the SMS message. eg Mary Donaldson Yr 9 sick with flu. The SMS number is 0407 983 874 (SMS only, not for phone calls).
- Email to Wanneroo.SC@education.wa.edu.au. In the email, give the student’s name, year and the reason for the absence.
- Send a note with the child when they return to school.
An SMS alert will automatically be sent to your mobile phone advising you if your child has been marked absent in any class or has not signed in by 9.10am. You can reply to this SMS with your child’s name and reason for absence. If you believe your child is at school and there is no reason you should receive this SMS, please call and we can give you specific details of absence.
Truancy & Lateness To Class
A student who is absent from class without permission is said to be truanting. Any student who truants will be required to make up for the missed class with an after school detention during which time the student will make up for missed work. Parents and guardians will be given 24 hours notice of the detention.
A student who is late for class will be required to make up the missed work during lunch, recess or after school.